Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gracie's first days in Albania

After many hours on airplanes, thankfully 1st class, Gracie and I arrived in Tirana.. Just in time, for a quick trip to the grass outside before the ride from the airport to our new home! It was a Sunday so the traffic wasn't too bad ( amazing what they consider "light" traffic). We made it back to the apartment and quickly took Gracie to the grassy spot in the courtyard. ( I promise to take pictures). I took a nice long shower and sat with Mark and Gracie on the balcony.. Nice view of the Mt Dajti, clear skies and nice breeze. I tried to keep my eyes open, but had to take an hour nap before I fell asleep in the chair.
We had a nice early dinner at the Taiwan Center Restaurant (no, not chinese food).. the best spot in town that's always good, and they speak english.. I made it till about 9p, then down for the count. Finally got to experience our new mattress. I must say, quite an improvement over the last one.  Now I just need a new pillow, oh and a list of a few other things to make it more "homey"..( more of that later) Gracie slept in her own bed, with the Dora the Explorer blanket, her baby and chewy..
So day 1 of our new home is over. I hope to write every day or so.. Mostly for myself to remember the experiences (ha, good thing I'm writing this today, cause I'll surely forget by next week) but also to share with my wonderful friends and family. Pass along the blog as you see fit or not. I miss you all, and Gracie is a little mopey..but we will soon settle in..

1 comment:

  1. We are all so glad you and Gracie arrived at your new home safely. Noah is here for the holidays and Ari arrives tomorrow so we can follow you together for a few days.
    Happy New Year. Isn't it exciting to begin the New Year with a whole new life?
    Love to you and Mark and of course Gracie.
    Susan N.
